Restorative Justice

Restorative Justice

Dr. Maya Angelou said “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you.”  

Jodie provides Restorative Engagement or Restorative Justice processes for those who have experienced harm. These experiences may have occurred in institutions or through and in personal relations.

Jodie facilitates Direct Personal Responses to those who have experienced institutional abuse, sexual and serious abuse in Defence, government, non-government agencies, private and a range of other services and relationships. This requires specialist knowledge around trauma, its impact and responses.

These processes prioritise providing a space to tell story/account to effect recovery, building insight and understanding of abuse and its impact leading to change and reform. It is a space to recognise and redress the harm, and be heard by someone who can accept responsibility, acknowledge, apologise and provide validation. It is a space for healing and to reset relationships.