What is Trauma Informed Practice?

Posted Aug 2022

Trauma Informed Practice

Using a trauma informed lens…..

  • Trauma Informed Practice is not about the treatment of trauma or the symptoms, but rather a recognition that trauma experiences are a possibility for anyone  (Kezelman & Stavropoulos, 2012)

Trauma Informed Practice

  • Focusses on what may have happened to someone (strengths-based approach) and focuses on how we engage and treat each other, rather than what is wrong (deficit approach).
  • Reduces potential for re-traumatisation and rests on a do-no harm approach that is sensitive to unintentional re-traumatisation from and in, services
  • Recognises that many people live with the ongoing effects of past and present trauma.
  • Sees trauma is treatable and looks at providing opportunities for recovery

Recovery from trauma 

  • Recovery occurs within the context of relationships and requires trust, autonomy, initiative, competence, identity and intimacy – Judith Herman 

Trauma Informed Practice

  • Recognises:
    • the prevalence of trauma and its impact on people and communities
    • the high incidence of unrecognised underlying trauma
    • that many problems, disorders and conditions are trauma-related
    • that trauma may have different meanings in different cultures and responses
    • trauma may also be expressed differently